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Rewards exclusive to those who pray Fajr

Rewards exclusive to those who pray Fajr

Getting out of bed early in the morning is a demanding task, for that, Allah bestows abundant blessing on the worshippers of Fajr!

The Messenger of Allah said: ‘If the people knew what (reward) there is in the ‘Isha’ prayer and fajr prayer, they would come even if they had to crawl.” Sunan Ibn Majah 796

Those who goes to the mosque for Fajr and Isha prayer will be conveyed by glad tidings

The two hardest prayers for Muslim that the hypocrite can’t do is Fajr and Isha prayer. The Prophet (saw) said, “There is no prayer heavier on the hypocrites than Fajr and Isha. If only they knew what’s in the, they would come to them even if they had to crawl.”

And, “Convey glad tidings to those who walk to the mosque in the darkness. For they will be given full light on the Day of Resurrection.” – At-Tirmidhi & Abu Dawud.

 Quran recitation at Fajr is witnessed!

Allah says in Surah Al Isra: “Establish prayer at the decline of the sun until the darkness of the night and recite the Qur’an at Fajr. Indeed, the recitation of Fajr is ever witnessed.” [17:78] Who is it witnessed by? The Messenger of Allah (saw) recited this verse, ‘And recite the Qur’an during the Fajr. Verily, the recitation of the Qur’an during Fajr is ever witnessed.’ And said, “It is witnessed by the angels of the night and the day.” 

Fajr Sunnah is better than the entire world!

 Aishah “RA” reports: “Two Rakahs of prayer before the Fajr (Fardh) prayer are better than the world and whatever is in it.” Muslim When we ponder on this hadith, we end up asking ourselves about what we are even aiming for in this Dunya. It makes us realize how small our worldly matters actually are.

Allah’s protection!

 The prophet (saw) says: “He who performs the Fajr will be under the protection of Allah.” Muslim Saving from Hellfire! He “Saw” said: ““Whoever performs the Prayer before the rising of the sun and the Prayer before its setting will not enter Hell.” (Muslim) Reward of Hajj and Umrah! He “saw” says: “Whoever prays the morning prayer in congregation, then he sits remembering Allah until the sun rises and prays two rakaats will have a reward similar to the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimage.”

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